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It's Cold Out There When You Got No Hair

I am lucky to live near Canada's top cancer centre, Princess Margaret Hospital. In addition to the medical care and research done at Princess Margaret, the hospital also has an extensive patient education and survivorship program. The focus on caring for the patient as a whole extends into all areas of the hospital, including the hospital's Wig Salon.

At the beginning of my wig fitting appointment at the PMH Wig Salon, Zane gave me a tour of the store focussing on the various types of headwear I may need once my hair fell out. The focus was on practical needs. It turns out that there are some considerations to keep in mind beyond trying to look good.

Here are a few head accessories suggested at my wig appointment that have come in handy.

1) Simple, easy head coverings for wearing around the house
My head and ears get chilly now that I'm bald. Lucky for me, my mother is trying to cure my cancer through crocheting. I have a huge assortment of soft caps to choose from while lounging around on the couch or sitting in front of the computer.

2) Light, comfortable caps for sleeping in
I find that my daytime headwear is too warm at night (but again, with nothing on my head gets cold). While my auto-temperature-adjusting cat hat (her name is Asha) has been both the softest and most comfortable head covering for sleeping, she is also the least reliable (often getting up in the middle of the night to eat or play). So I keep a t-shirt weight cap on hand to slip over my head while I sleep.

3) If you are receiving treatment during the summer, or live at a latitude that has moderate to high UV year-round, a wide-brimmed hat
Chemo can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. So even if you are wearing a wig every day you will still need to keep the sun off of your face and neck.

4) A stylish hat or scarf for wearing to the store, pharmacy, or doctors appointments
I actually love my hats and will probably keep wearing them after my hair grows back. Until then, a stylish newsboy cap will always trump the stereotypical chemo scarf or turban when I'm in a rush.


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